Happening This Week
week of January 27, 2025
All-State callback auditions have been rescheduled to February 1!
Spirit Night at Fam's Brewing has been rescheduled to February 10!
Disney meal plan sign-up due January 30!
Bell Schedule:
new bell schedule
M, T, Th, F
Trojan Check-in schedule
Upcoming Events
After-School Rehearsals
4:00–5:30 pm
After-School Sectionals
flutes: Monday, January 27
low brass/low reed: Tuesday, January 28
Symphonic Winds
Tuesday, February 4
Tuesday, February 18
Jazz Band
Monday, February 10
Monday, February 24
Concert Band
Tuesday, February 11
Tuesday, February 25
Spirit Night
February 10 @ Fams Brewing,
James Island
Important Forms and Links
Please fill out and return to Dr. Bowles
(if you haven't already done it). Thanks!
Upcoming Rehearsal and Concert Dates
after-school sectional rehearsals
start in January!
check Band Blast and schedule above
for dates and times
Please download and read the band handbook. We ask that parents and students fill out this google form.